Mary Magdalene Sermonette 2 : God commands exposure

The word of the day is exposure. It is the word God uses in the Bible. He wills it, now, at the end of the age of grace. God wants the world to awaken. It is not ‘conspiracy theorists’ that are exposing wickedness; this is a lie from the devil. God wills it. He commands it. This is not occurring by our will, but His. It is frankly, supernatural and unprecedented.


The many Trump Prophecies rolled into one excellent video

Trey has outdone himself. I know how hard he worked to produce this thorough video everyone will be able to follow. Well done Trey!

Trump in favor of recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel

To boot, Trump is NOT in favor of a two-state solution.  We know of God’s warnings on “parting His land.”

Trump is looking more like a prophetic character in the final act of this world-staged event replete with slight-of-hand. A US leader who blesses Israel will bless the nation. It is written.

August 11, 2016 Prophecy : Trump chosen to be President in heaven

Trump President

By Mary Magdalene

Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is a well established Prophet who walks with God. He shared a prophecy for the first time on August 11, 2016, received as he was, “caught up in the Spirit to the Council in heaven including Father Abraham”:

“Trump will become President. He will be used to clean and purify the nation. As hard as he is, he has been prepared for this. As Cyrus was used to discipline Israel and then to restore Israel likewise Trump will be used in the U.S. He will be used to cut violence. He will be Gods’ mouth and hand for this nation.”

There have been two prophets saying Obama is staying in place; but, I now discount one, knowing now she is a false prophet by her works. My spirit restrains me from sharing. I am removing her from my blog as God as shown me her works.

Prophet Sadhu adds great veracity to the Prophecy of the Fireman, Mark Taylor, which has been heard globally.

In this video at exactly 2:47 he begins recounting how he was caught up in the spirit and saw Trump standing in the Council.

2016 Year of the Outsider : Doom For Hillary

On Fox News, Presidential Candidate and Christian, Dr. Ben Carson says Trump was able to defeat the strongest candidates in the Republican party because, “the people themselves have just gotten disgusted with being manipulated and controlled.”

“This is the year of the outsider, people had decided that. Look what happens when we send in an insider…people are absolutely tired of that.”

This is a great meme for a Trump Presidency that represents, listens to and serves the people. O! how Ben Carson would make a great VEEP!


I wish radio hosts would stop saying people are asleep and stupid. The public is proving that it has smartened up to the men behind the curtain. They should be encouraged and rewarded for their awake state and engagement in the process.

The greater “outsider” of all time was and is, Jesus Christ.

I see God’s hand in Trump’s rise; He is always in control, able to use anyone at anytime for His purpose. Perhaps Trump is America’s mercy and last chance to change, repent and clean up its moral degradation.

If the public continues to entertain the satanists and their works, it is truly the end for America. Everything must be mopped up: education, public places, health, food production, industry, banking, authorities, military, freedom in a moral construct, right to life, marriage as directed by God, the end of tampering with God’s creation. The indictment of all criminals in D.C. and colluding agencies, commissions and corporations must fill the jails–not the petty thief who stole a bag of groceries, or carried an ounce of marijuana.

Truth must return and America will be spared like Nineveh. Trump may have been chosen by God for this. Trump is the outsider everyone hoped and prayed for.

I have prayed to the Lord again and again to have compassion on America, that they were tricked by the devil and his minions and are now awake to the lawlessness by the elected. Forgive them for did not know. God listens to His sheep’s prayers.

America! you better stay awake! And you better change your ways!

For as Trump is triumphant and acts upon his words and yet you do not turn from your sins, judgment by the wrath of the Lord is assured. Be encouraged, as Trump may be chosen by God which I truly believe he is, nothing will help Hillary. Every attack will get him more votes. Every trick will fail. God is in control of her very breath. God has taught us that when we are persecuted, we are rewarded; this is why Trump rises each time he is persecuted.

Trump is the galloping First White Horseman in Revelation – The Mercy Horse!

It does not matter if Trump is a Laodicean Christian or a mix of iron and clay! God is using him for a greater purpose; hence, the prophecies of the Spirit of King Cyrus. He gallops on a white horse, with a bow and a crown on his head, conquering. These are signs mirrored in heaven straight from the mouth of God.

The devil and his minions cannot stop this.

Only America’s failure to turn away from sin can.