We are the Lord’s army, more powerful than any weapon on earth


The world seems to have gone mad. It was engineered by Satan and carried out by his army. However…

We must not even blink. It requires our strength–not ours–that which God Almighty has given His remnant, His bride, His sheep, His Lambs, His 5 virgins, His Saints still on earth.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.

It’s up to us. If Generals and Attorneys do not have their footsteps ordered by the Lord, it is still up to us. Our intercession can guide their footsteps.

We are at war with the powers of darkness. All patriots, all populists, all righteous people the world over are without power to go to the front without the Lord’s authority in them.

Do you not understand this is a time of winnowing? The more you get angry, scared, weakened, and work from the flesh, the more you erode your victory and the brethren’s victory.

We have to use our authority. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are in us. All the powers of heaven are at our disposal.

Victory is personal, not global. Again, it is a time of winnowing. WINNOW CHILDREN!

We are one with the Lord. John 1:17. Look it up!

Then start battling. Expect victory. You are the Generals commanding the Lord’s army.

Are you Elijah fleeing from Jezebel, unable to see warring angels all around you? Trust, they are present.

I stop now and go into my chamber with my full armor.

HE WHO IS IN YOU IS GREATER THAN HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD. God is not a man that He should lie about who you are in Christ.

Be emboldened. Believe Jesus. Go to the fronts!

The power of life and death are on the tongue. Speak life!

p.s. if you are in sin, confess, repent, then GO!

4 comments on “We are the Lord’s army, more powerful than any weapon on earth

  1. Joseph Chavis says:


  2. Tim Shey says:

    “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe.”

    –Mary, Queen of Scots

    • Contributor says:

      How ironic i was quoting this a few weeks ago. Trump is from the “school of hard Knox.” If only knew the power of prayer. Believed the Lord hears them.

Thank you!